2020, Number 1
The caregiver in the satisfaction of needs of the oncological patient with use of self-expandable esophageal stent
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 11-17
PDF size: 740.40 Kb.
Introduction: esophageal cancer causes physical, emotional and social changes that generate different needs for patients and caregivers, determined by insufficient knowledge when facing care; However, the insertion of self-expanding stents considered as the method of choice demands humanized care. Objective: to perform an analysis of the satisfaction of the human needs of the cancer patient treated with self-expanding esophageal stent from the role of the main caregiver. Development: the identification of the affected human needs and the orientation to the caregiver, constitutes the fundamental axis for the success of the palliative treatment. Conclusions: the systematization carried out on the satisfaction of the human needs of the cancer patient treated with self-expanding esophageal stent from the role of primary caregiver; allowed to establish an approach in the theoretical references that support the subject, focused on education towards the main caregiver in terms of the care coping, which derives in satisfaction of their human needs.REFERENCES
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