2020, Number 36
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Inv Ed Med 2020; 9 (36)
Action-Research Method as an Educational Strategy for Reach Significant Learnings in Health Promotion in Public Health in Medical Students
García GJJ, Moreno AL, Flores OAE
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 41-51
PDF size: 574.56 Kb.
Introduction: Health education plays a very important
role for health promotion, prevention and limitation of harm.
Health promotion contributes to the empowerment of
people, individually and collectively, to build a culture of
health and make healthy decisions. As part of the objectives
of the subject Health Promotion in the Life Cycle,
and with the purpose of carrying out a teaching experience,
we chose to study “Food, nutritional status and its
relationship with attention disorders hyperactivity (ADHD)
in high school students.
Objective: To evaluate the usefulness of action research
in community practice, to favour teaching activity in obtaining
meaningful learning and social commitment.
Method: that of “action research”. A second-year group
in the medical career was the protagonist of the process.
A research project was developed in which the organization
of previous experiences and knowledge in the study
area was highlighted. A food questionnaire was designed
and a validated questionnaire about ADHD was used,
both were applied by the medical students, performed
somatometry, gave talks for healthy eating and developed
a database. After each activity, meetings were held with
them to recover and organize the experience.
Results: The students indicated that the activity allowed
them to integrate what they had previously learned, identify
their academic limitations, characterize a real public
health problem, apply their knowledge and develop skills
and identify the value of health promotion.
Conclusions: Participation in activities where research
is linked to action facilitates meaningful learning. Educational
practice was considered as an action committed
to the social context in which one lives.
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