2019, Number S1
Patient medical communication from the beginning of the training process
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 471-486
PDF size: 251.80 Kb.
When inserting the medical practice in the complex system of human relations, it is important that the doctor, in addition to acting with a high scientific and technical professionalism, take into account the essence of the human being and be able to communicate with security, to cure, rehabilitate and prevent diseases. The objectives of the Medicine career are designed in correspondence with these requirements, but there are theoretical and methodological inadequacies to develop the communication in an intentional and coherent manner, from the activities carried out by the students in their training. The objective of this work is to deepen theoretically in diverse topics on the subject of medical - patient communication, little worked from the didactic perspective, so the novelty of the study is that didactic guidelines are offered, of how to work the topic from the beginning of the training of the doctor, with the purpose of preparing him for his future performance, aspect little worked in the medical literature consulted.REFERENCES
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