2019, Number S1
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2019; 48 (S1)
The development of creativity in university education
Medina PR, Franco GMC, Gallo GME, Torres de Cádiz HA
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 374-388
PDF size: 114.95 Kb.
Introduction: The study of creativity is carried out from different criteria, by assuming itself as a personality process and based on the philosophical conception of human activity. In this process must be taken into account the interrelation of factors that favors the conditions for the development of creativity, as well as the links between the cognitive and the affective.
Objective: Theoretically analyze the pedagogical and psychological foundations of creativity and its relationship with the integral development of future professionals.
Methods: A systematic review of the literature was carried out, which favored understanding the dependence among its components, its links and the conditioning that they establish in the teaching activity.
Conclusions: The inclusion of creative methods has not yet been extended in the desired proportions, which limits the possibilities of developing creativity in students. At present, methodological orientations that support teaching work to develop creativity in students are almost non-existent, which is reflected in the scarce use of productive methods.
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