2020, Number S1
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Rev CONAMED 2020; 25 (S1)
COVID-19 and the doctor-patient relationship
Hincapié SJ
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 55-60
PDF size: 94.21 Kb.
A health crisis brings with it an imbalance in the possibilities of providing medical care and clinical care due to the demand of the population. Although the medical profession is humanistic by nature and in this context whoever receives the call of the medical vocation, is obliged to provide their services even when their own health is compromised. It is important that society recognizes that COVID-19 is a multifactorial disease not only manifested with respiratory symptoms, that there is still no full identification of all the symptoms that it may present, so it is relevant that the clinician explain to the patient that he should express the appearance of the slightest symptom in order to provide correct and adequate care.
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