2020, Number 2
Effectiveness of the global and international physical activity questionnaire compared to practice evaluations
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 1-19
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The objective of this review was to examine the effectiveness of the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire and the International Short Form Physical Activity Questionnaire, in relation to practical evaluations that assess healthy physical condition as an instrument for assessing sedentary lifestyle A digital search was conducted in scientific databases of high impact factor according to electronic reference of Scimagojr, Scopus, Pubmed, and Ebsco. The effectiveness of the international and global physical activity questionnaire, in assessing sedentary lifestyle and prescribing physical exercise seem conditioned, compared to practical evaluations, which assess similar factors, however they provide basic indicators that should be taken into account at the beginning of prescribing physical activity, the need to apply sedentary level and physical fitness parameters in the adult population established by practical evaluations is evident.REFERENCES
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