2020, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2020; 62 (6)
Polypharmacy in Mexico: a challenge for prescription quality
Poblano-Verástegui O, Bautista-Morales AC, Acosta-Ruíz O, Gómez-Cortez PM, Saturno-Hernández PJ
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 859-867
PDF size: 298.08 Kb.
Objective. To analyze the prevalence of polypharmacy, as
well as the factors that identify the groups with higher risk,
in population study in Mexico.
Materials and Methods.
Descriptive analysis of the Encuesta Nacional de Salud y
Nutrición 2018-19 (Ensanut 2018-19), Utilization of services
(medicine section) and Household questionnaires, to obtain
prevalence of polypharmacy (simultaneous consumption ≥5
medicines). A logistic regression model was used to estimate
the association of polypharmacy with sociodemographic and
health care factors.
Results. Prevalence of polypharmacy:
18 years, 15.5%, and 65 years, 26.5%. Higher prevalence in:
nephropathies (61.5%), heart disease (42.2%), chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (38.5%), diabetes (29.3%) and
hypertension (26.4%). Increased possibility in adults 65 years
(OR:1.95), low schooling (OR:1.54), social security (OR:1.64),
serviced in public services (OR:1.7) and chronic illness
Conclusions. Polypharmacy is associated with
chronic disease and some sociodemographic factors. Large
area of opportunity to improve quality of care, particularly
pharmacological prescription to identified population with
higher risk.
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