2020, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2020; 62 (6)
Non-fatal unintentional injuries in Mexican population: prevalence and associated factors. Ensanut 2018-19
Hidalgo-Solórzano E, Pérez-Núñez R, Mojarro FR, Vera-López JD, Híjar M
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 829-839
PDF size: 427.44 Kb.
Objective. To estimate the prevalence of non-fatal unintentional
injuries in Mexican population and to analyze individual,
environmental and household factors associated with its
Materials and methods. A cross-sectional
study, analyzed the prevalence of unintentional injuries from
Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición (Ensanut 2018-19),
which is a nationally representative health survey designed
with a probability, stratified and cluster sampling, in three
stages. Association with variables of interest was explored
using logistic regression analysis.
Results. Prevalence of
non-fatal unintentional injuries was 4.5% (IC95%: 4.2-4.7),
equivalent to 5.6 million people per year. Of them, 22.3% or
1.2 million suffered permanent consequences. Probability of
having unintentional injuries was higher in the North and
Center regions, as in Mexico City-State of Mexico; in males
from 0 to 59 and females of 60 or more years of age, in people
living with disabilities and those who self-reported depression
Conclusions. Strengthening unintentional
injury prevention is necessary and urgent, especially within
vulnerable groups of population.
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