2020, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2020; 62 (6)
Prevalence, proportion and correlates of flavor capsule cigarette use in Mexico: results from the Ensanut 2018-19
Zavala-Arciniega L, Gutiérrez-Torres DS, Reynales-Shigematsu LM, Barrientos-Gutiérrez I, Fleischer NL, Meza R, Thrasher JF
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 820-828
PDF size: 486.22 Kb.
Objective. To estimate the prevalence of flavor capsule
cigarette, use among Mexicans who are 10 years and older, to
determine the proportion of smokers who use flavor capsules,
and to characterize the sociodemographic correlates of flavor
capsule cigarette use.
Materials and methods. Data
came from the National Health and Nutrition Survey 2018-19.
The prevalence and proportion of flavor capsule cigarette use
were estimated by sex, age, education, and wealth. Poisson
models were used to evaluate sociodemographic factors associated
with flavor capsule cigarette use.
Results. Among
Mexicans, the prevalence of flavor capsule cigarettes use was
6.6%, which is 43% of all smokers. Women, adolescents, and
young adults were more likely than other groups to use flavor
capsule cigarettes.
Conclusions. Mexicans report a high
prevalence of flavor capsule cigarette use. Banning cigarettes
with flavors may reduce the appeal of smoking, particularly
for youth and women.
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