2020, Number 3
Adverse Events Notification Systems in Intensive Care Units for Risk Management
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-20
PDF size: 471.99 Kb.
Introduction: The occurrence of adverse events in health systems is of great significance concerning the increase in morbidity and mortality, at the time of patient treatment and regarding health care costs.Objective: To systematize the knowledge about adverse events notification systems in intensive care units for risk management.
Methods: Systematic review in the databases BVS, SciELO, BDenf, and PUBMed, considering the indexed descriptors. Fifteen articles were included for the analysis, according to the search strategy, from the years between 2013 and 2017, framed in the models developed in different countries and about notification, as well as their approach to implementation and outcomes obtained. The studies were grouped into four categories: existing reporting systems, characteristics of reporting systems, barriers to reporting, and adverse events that occur during hospitalization.
Conclusions: Notification systems are an important tool for increasing the quality of services. Changes in the process will expand patient safety and services free from failures and risks. The adverse events detected were those related to the management of vascular accesses and drains, and other related with care and medication.
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