2020, Number 3
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Rev Cuba Enf 2020; 36 (3)
Popular and Scientific Knowledge of Users and Nurses Who Visit Homes
Vasconcelos ALV, Acioli S
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 338.45 Kb.
Introduction: Home visits, as a reality in home protection, can provide freedom in dialogue and the exposure of the users' knowledge. However, due to the lack of recognized scientificity, many nurses deny popular knowledge and, therefore, the space for listening and sharing is reduced.
Objective: To analyze the scientific and popular knowledge of nurses and users during home visits as part of the family health strategy.
Methods: Descriptive and qualitative study, the data collection for which was carried out through semistructured interviews with 25 nurses and 18 users, as well as 38 simple observations of home visits. For data analysis, the hermeneutical-dialectic technique was used.
Results: Visits to nursing homes have the challenge of establishing channels of dialogue through horizontal relationships that promote the recognition of popular knowledge. However, the research reveals some successful experiences of knowledge articulation.
Conclusion: Most nurses do not consider popular knowledge as a valid form of medical care and, therefore, do not articulate this knowledge with scientific knowledge. It is possible for nurses to have a different position in home visits, insofar as they recognize the incompleteness of scientific knowledge and articulate various forms of knowledge in search of individualized and determined answers.
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