2020, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2020; 62 (6)
Understanding and use of the front-of-pack Guideline Daily Amounts nutritional labeling of industrialized food and beverages in Mexico
Tolentino-Mayo L, Sagaceta-Mejía J, Cruz-Casarrubias C, Ríos-Cortázar V, Jauregui A, Barquera S
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 786-797
PDF size: 649.03 Kb.
Objective. Evaluate the use, subjective and objective understanding
of the GDA frontal labeling to assist the population
towards making healthy decisions regarding the products
they consume.
Materials and methods. The use of nutritional
information contained in products´ packages (GDA,
nutritional information table, and list of ingredients), as well
as the subjective and objective comprehension of the GDA
labeling, were assessed among people older than 20 years old.
Results. A total of 43 157 people were interviewed. Amid
the labels, the nutritional table was read more frequently
(11.1%). 24.6% (IC95%: 23.9-25.3) and 41.2% (IC95%: 40.4-
42.1) of the interviewees classified products correctly as not
healthy and high in sodium, respectively. These outcomes were
smaller between the elderly, lower socioeconomic levels,
lower educational levels, and rural areas.
Conclusions. The
results show that the GDA labeling is not useful to support
the vulnerable population to make healthy decisions.
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