2020, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2020; 62 (6)
Factors associated with early childhood development in mexican children
Vázquez-Salas A, Hubert C, Villalobos A, Sánchez-Ferrer J, Ortega-Olvera C, Romero M, Barrientos-Gutiérrez T
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 714-724
PDF size: 351.44 Kb.
Objective. To estimate levels of early childhood development
(ECD) and associated factors in Mexican population
aged 19-59 months.
Materials and methods. The
Ensanut 2018-19 evaluated ECD using the Early Childhood
Development Index (ECDI) and level of language development.
We used multivariate models, with logistic or linear
regression, depending on the outcome variable.
Children of wealthier households and with children’s books at
home are more likely of having an adequate ECDI; in contrast,
children who experienced violent discipline methods are less
likely. Children living in rural areas, with more highly educated
mothers, who were not undernourished, and with support for
learning have higher language scores.
Conclusion. Public
policies aimed to enhance early childhood development
should take into account the associated modifiable factors.
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