2020, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2020; 62 (6)
Breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices in Mexico: results from Ensanut 2018-19
González-Castell LD, Unar-Munguía M, Quezada-Sánchez AD, Bonvecchio-Arenas A, Rivera-Dommarco J
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 704-713
PDF size: 357.36 Kb.
Objective. To update the prevalence of infant and young
child feeding indicators (IYCFI) in children under 24 months
in Mexico.
Materials and methods. Ensanut 2018-19
national representative survey with probabilistic design. Population:
Women 12-59 years and their children ‹24 months.
The indicators proposed by the World Health Organization
were assessed by sociodemographic variables of the mothers
using the sample design. Wald’s test was used to compare
between categories.
Results. The prevalence of exclusive
breastfeeding in children under six months was 28.3%, 42.9%
of children under 12 months consumed infant formula and
29% continued breastfeeding at two years. Around 30% of
children between 6 and 11 months did not meet the recommended
minimum dietary diversity and only 49.4% consumed
iron-rich foods.
Conclusions. There are improvements in
breastfeeding practices in Mexico, although the figures are
low. The coordinated contribution from all sectors of society
is required to improve infant feeding practices.
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