2020, Number 2
educación a distancia; educación continua; enfermería.
Language: Portugués
References: 24
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 328.64 Kb.
Introduction: The society’s technological advance in recent years has required an update from the individuals’ performance to meet new demands in the social sectors, including the area of health. Information and communication technologies are tools that allow new interactions and the creation of spaces favorable to the teaching-learning process, acting as facilitators in the construction and exchange of knowledge, stimulating the exercise of autonomy of the subjects involved.Objective: To analyze the findings according to the scientific production about the insertion of information and communication technologies into the process of permanent education of nurses in the period from 2008 to 2018.
Methods: Integrative literature review. For the selection of the articles, the databases PubMed and LILACS were used, based on the following guiding question: What is the contribution of information and communication technologies to the permanent education of nurses? For the analysis and interpretation of the data, we chose thematic categorization.
Conclusions: The selected references showed digital technologies as relevant educational tools for the permanent education of nurses, being capable of promoting the acquisition of knowledge by professionals.
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