2020, Number 2
Management of health personnel’ psychological safety, in emergency situations by COVID-19 in the hospitable or isolation context
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 255.27 Kb.
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has tested health systems in almost all countries around the world, the devastating results of the spread of the disease have indicated that psychological safety of health workers is an indispensable condition for them to provide care for the sick; however, existing protocols do not take into account this aspect.Objective: Systematizing actions for the management of psychological safety of health personnel in emergency conditions by COVID-19 pandemic in the hospitable or isolation context.
Methods: Systematic bibliographic review, based on protocols for the care of patients with COVID-19, PAHO technical documents- Coronavirus disease and scientific articles published in national and international sources, in Spanish and English, in the period December 2019 April 2020, indexed in the databases: Sage Journal, Oxford University Press, Elsevier and Science. The PRISMA method was used in the search strategy, combining keywords and Boolean operators. Content analysis was performed on the results.
Conclusion: A system of actions for organizing the work of health professionals, will allows seeing them not only as someone just treating the disease, but as vulnerable persons in need of being object of managing their safety.
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