2020, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Enf 2020; 36 (2)
Promoters of Cognitive Reserve in the Elderly with High Risk of Cortical Dementia
Contreras ASM, Navarro Juan-José, Sánchez RJR
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 606.67 Kb.
Introduction: Cognitive reserve constitutes an element central to understanding how the brain responds to neuropathology during the life cycle.
Objective: To understand the factors that promote cognitive reserve from the life experience of the elderly without cognitive deterioration and with high risk of cortical dementia.
Methods: Qualitative study, methodologically based on grounded theory. In-depth semi-structured interviews are conducted on seven elderlies. In the analysis, the constant comparison technique is applied according to the model by Glaser and Strauss, using ATLAS-Ti 7.
Results: Five interrelated categories emerge from the axial analysis: mental activity, gratifying experiences, care, traumatic events, and personality traits. There is a constant pattern of mentally-stimulating life experiences, mainly related to care activities and gratifying experiences, not associated with formal education.
Conclusions: A dynamic process is distinguished that involves experiences and events of daily life, both personal and environmental, occupational and related to lifestyle, which operate sequentially during the life cycle. These factors could significantly influence neurobiological mechanisms and act as promoters of cognitive reserve. A model of cognitive reserve promoters is obtained that could be used in cognitive health programs to counteract neuropathology.
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