2020, Number 2
Patient Safety Culture in Nursing Training
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 433.23 Kb.
Introduction: A culture of patient safety is the set of beliefs, values, customs, perceptions, norms, competencies, and practices present in the organizational climate of health professionals, a fact reflected in the proactive or reactive actions of clinical safety.Objective: To describe the culture of patient safety in students during technical nursing training.
Methods: Cross-sectional and descriptive. The questionnaire was applied to 113 students. A direct-observation guide was also applied to 26 students during the development of nursing learning practices in patient care simulations. Both instruments addressed the main dimensions of clinical safety culture.
Results: 85.84% were women. The mean age was 22.3 years, with a standard deviation of 4.156. The highest percentage was in the group of 21 to 25 years of age, accounting for 40.71%. Regarding the results related to knowledge about patient safety, 80.53% had a positive error perception, 57.52% did not define whether it was necessary to talk about errors, 71.68% involved the human factor in error, and 66.37% considered it important to involve patients. The evaluation of performance showed that 85.84% did not identify the patient, while 100% of the students did not perceive a punitive response to errors in the evaluation of their simulated performance.
Conclusions: Safety culture is theoretical knowledge for nursing students and should be strengthened as a competency at the curricular level.
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