2020, Number 2
Nursing Students’ Perception about How their Family Influences the Occurrence of Academic Stress in the Subject Basic Nursing
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 417.62 Kb.
Introduction: Nursing training demands capacity for analysis and research to face and solve contextual challenges, which, given the shortage of necessary resources, mainly financial and time, can be an important source of stressors among these students.Objective: To determine the perception of Nursing students in the second semester about the influence of the family in the presence of academic stress.
Methods: Cross-sectional and descriptive study carried out in the School of Social and Health Sciences at Península Santa Elena State University, in Ecuador, during 2019. Study population of 33 Nursing students in the second semester and in the subject Basic Nursing. We used the SISCO Inventory of Academic Stress and the Family APGAR Test as instruments.
Results: The average age was 21 years. 75.76% were women. 84.85% were from the coast. The stress levels found were between high and medium. The most important stressors corresponded to presentation and oral questions, as well as to participating in procedural demonstrations. Physical and psychological manifestations predominated.
Conclusions: The subject Basic Nursing frequently produces academic stress in Nursing students in the second semester, who have a fairly adequate perception of the family support that they receive. The coping strategies used to reduce stress levels are insufficient.
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