2020, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2020; 62 (6)
Provision of immediate postpartum contraceptive methods in Mexico, 2018-19
de la Vara-Salazar E, Hubert C, Saavedra-Avendaño B, Suárez-López L, Villalobos A, Ávila-Burgos L, Hernández-Serrato MI, Schiavon R, Darney BG
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 637-647
PDF size: 305.63 Kb.
Objective. To identify sociodemographic and health
services factors associated with receipt of immediate postpartum
(IPP) contraception and the type of contraceptive
method received.
Materials and methods. We used the
National Health and Nutrition Survey (Ensanut), 2018-19,
which contains information on 4 548 women aged 12-49 years
who gave birth. We described receipt of IPP contraception
and method type and used multivariable logistic (n=4 544)
and multinomial regression (n=2 903) to examine receipt of
any modern method and type of method.
Results. 65% of
women received IPP contraception. 56.8% of adolescents
received long-acting reversible contraception (43.7% IUD
& 13.1% implant). Being indigenous, having only one child,
or receiving care in State Health Services/IMSS-Prospera or
private sector facilities were associated with lower odds of
receiving IPP contraception.
Conclusions. We identify
progress in the IPP contraception coverage among adolescents.
Disparities persist in receipt of IPP contraception by
type of health insurance.
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