2020, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Enf 2020; 36 (1)
Latin-American Perspective about the Conceptual Model Knowledge in Action of Knowledge Translation
Evangelista CI, Cardoso de PC
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 478.68 Kb.
Introduction: The gap between what is known and what is done is complex for decision-making in the face of daily-practice demands of the healthcare of individuals, families and communities. In that respect, knowledge translation can be a strategy of knowledge transformation in action with the participation of the health system user.
Objective: To reflect on the meaning, potentialities and limits of applying the conceptual model knowledge in action of the knowledge translation strategy to transfer scientific knowledge to the field of health and nursing.
Methods: Theoretical-reflexive analysis of the conceptual model of translation of knowledge in action, edited by experts in the health area, in accordance with the definition of the Canadian Institutes for Health Research and adopted by WHO and EVIPNET, with application in Latin American countries. That reflection was divided into three axes: meaning, conceptual model, and application in practice.
Conclusions: Some proposals for the transformation of knowledge into action and social justice have started to be considered in Latin America, both in politics and in clinical practice. In the field of nursing, there is a growing application of the model of translation of knowledge into action, with the use of different research approaches to integrate participants for the production of new practices that are more efficient, effective, and safer.
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