2020, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Enf 2020; 36 (1)
Perception of women with breast cancer regarding the disease impact on their children
da Silva PCEC, Andrade SRMCR, Ramos PE, Jahara LMP, dos Santos AAC, Conceição RCS
Language: Portugués
References: 15
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 288.33 Kb.
Introduction: Despite advances in the diagnosis of breast cancer, the stigma of death is imposed. Clear communication with the family is necessary, which is a care-related challenge for the health team. The diagnosis of neoplasia changes the routine and the family structure of the patient, while inducing reflection on family treatment. As a consequence, there is a negative impact on women with breast cancer, depending on how they perceive the influence of their disease and the possible damage to the lives of their children.
Objective: To reflect the experiences of women with breast cancer, regarding the impact of their disease on the lives of their children.
Methods: Reflection based on Merleau-Ponty, after a theoretical review of the psychological impact of female breast cancer on the offspring and the way this woman perceives the phenomenon.
Results: Children whose mothers have breast cancer survive stressful situations related to the diagnosis of maternal disease. The woman perceives such impact, which affects the experience of the pathology, which results in guilt and worsening of the existing psychological suffering in relation to the disease. For Merleau-Ponty, all consciousness is perceptive and the perceived world is the presumed basis of all rationality and existence.
Conclusion: The imminent death of these mothers is imposed as a stress factor for the offspring, which causes greater distress to women when facing the pathology.
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