2019, Number 4
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Rev Cuba Enf 2019; 35 (4)
The Management of Humanized Nursing Care in the Digital Age
Vialart VN
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 289.97 Kb.
Introduction: The management of care in the digital age is subject to a permanent challenge, in which the sociocultural setting imposes changes. Information technology, as such, and particularly information and communications technologies are part of everyday life and must be incorporated into the nursing profession in a personalized way and as part of the improvement of humanized care.
Objective: To address the management of humanized care as a necessary issue, accompanied by the development of information technology as a complement, without abandoning ethical aspects of information in health services.
Methods: For the elaboration of this article, a bibliographic and documentary review was carried out; among them, some classic authors that, due to their value, contribution and transcendence, constitute a mandatory reference. As a scientific method, a systematization and documentary study related to nursing care management, humanized care, computer ethics and nursing informatics was carried out.
Conclusions: Information technology should be seen as an instrument that facilitates the management of humanized care based on the interaction between the professionals themselves and all the care actors. In addition, its application should be considered as a way to provide early care, as well as to promote health with quality and ethics. It constitutes another way of caring that does not exclude its fulfillment with humanity and respect.
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