2019, Number 4
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Rev Cuba Enf 2019; 35 (4)
Contributions of Health Technologies to Patient Safety
de Lima NAV, da Fonseca SM, Pereira SVE
Language: Portugués
References: 22
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 336.04 Kb.
Introduction: The use of technologies in the field of health is a reality and contributes to the promotion of patient safety.
Objective: To identify, in the scientific literature, the relationship between the types of technologies and patient safety.
Methods: This is an integrative review carried out between November and December 2016, based on the search in the databases Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature, Web of science, SCOPUS, and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences. The gathering of articles was carried out with the use of descriptors controlled within health sciences: seguridad del paciente [patient safety], tecnologías en salud [health technologies],servicios de salud [health services], and MeSH. Publications available for free in full text and electronic media were included, together with articles that address the topic of interest in the Portuguese, English and Spanish languages, without temporal delimitation. Publications in editorial format, letter to the editor, review and opinion articles and duplicate articles were excluded from the study. The selected articles were analyzed by descriptive statistics and presented in tables.
Conclusion: Although it has been shown that the use of technologies improves safety and quality in care, a greater focus on mild and mild-hard technologies is necessary, once they are essential for care.
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