2019, Number 4
Follow-up of People with Cancer by Primary Health Care Nurses
Language: Portugués
References: 17
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 374.89 Kb.
Introduction: The follow-up of people with cancer has the role not only of establishing the construction and strengthening of the link between the user, the family and the health unit, but also allows the team to provide quality care, prioritizing the needs of the individual.Objective: To understand the process of following up people with cancer by primary care nurses.
Methods: This is a descriptive study using the qualitative approach, conducted with ten nurses from the family health strategy of a municipality in northeastern Brazil. Interviews were conducted, whose testimonies were fully transcribed and analyzed by means of the thematic modality content analysis technique.
Results: It was verified that the follow-up of people with cancer is performed through home visits, where care is carried out according to individual needs. However, this care demands support from a multi-professional team, as well as the use of the health care network.
Conclusion: It was revealed that nurses need support and training to follow up cancer users.
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