2020, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2020; 34 (2)
Role model, experiences and communicative skills in medical students
Villegas SCE, Hamui SA, Vives VT
Language: Spanish
References: 57
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Introduction: Communication has been defined as a key element and cross-sectional pivot of medical
curricula worldwide. Also, in the training process of the medical student, the effect of
professorial role models is recognized as a key factor.
Objective: To review, conceptually, the role model in association with to the communicative
curriculum, as well as its influence on the teaching and learning process of medical
Methods: A systematic bibliographic review was carried out of scientific articles available in the
databases EbscoHost and PubMed, as well as medical education texts, taking into account
the keywords validated on the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS).
Results: We presented the definition and importance of the role model, as well as the professor’s
identity, characteristics and pedagogical capacities. Concepts such as positive role
model and antimodel were also exposed. We also showed the context in which the teaching
role was developed based on the communication experience, as well as the settings,
moments and ways by which the students’ communication capacities, competences and
abilities were achieved, which showed that learning through the professorial model was
Conclusions: It is necessary to promote professorial training processes as means to redefine the
significance of role models in the student's communicative practice. The role model and its
influence on the development of communication skills and professionalism constitute a
perspective for research in medical education.
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