2020, Number 2
Facebook and other web 2.0 resources for electrocardiography teaching and learning
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Introduction: Nowadays, we are experiencing rapid changes determined by the new information and communication technologies, which have also been reflected in the educational setting. Professors in the field of health should use them, to enhance learning of their students and contribute to training professionals capable of using them in their future work.Objective: To identify the impact of a didactic strategy based on web 2.0 resources and which favors the teaching and learning of electrocardiography.
Methods: We obtained action-research as central focus. The study population was made up of 60 students of basic cardiology at the Medical School of Sinaloa Autonomous University in the academic year 2017-18. To gather the information, we used observation of the teachinglearning process, interviews, and a discussion group. For the interviews and the discussion group, we used an intentional sample made up of six students. The literature analysis allowed establishing the basic aspects of the strategy that was implemented.
Results: We identified the potentials and limitations in the implementation of the didactic strategy, which allowed designing a procedure to overcome it.
Conclusions: The didactic strategy designed impacted the teaching-learning process of electrocardiography positively and helped prepare students for continuous learning, professional activity, and to act as future researchers.
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