2020, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc 2020; 26 (1)
Characterization of the mortality in cardiac surgery
Martínez CLL, Dávila CSF, Nodal LPE, Hernández RMA, de Arazoza HA, Alonso VJ
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 2-9
PDF size: 218.89 Kb.
Introduction: the mortality is one the most importants to evaluate procedures, techniques, policies and quality of all actions for any health sistem.
Method: Observational accomplished a study itself, descriptive, longitudinal of prospective caracter in the anaesthesiology`s service of the Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, in 2018, in patients performed surgery on. The relation of the mortality with demographic variables, surgical diagnosis and type of intervention were described, as well as morbility posoperatory and risk of mortality.
Results: Of 34 dead persons the masculine sex predominated and between 66 and 75 years 20 patients perished (58,82 %). The valvular surgery showed more dead persons 14 for a 41,17 %. The myocardiac revascularization like the valvular substitution they presented the same mortality (32,35 %) between the dead person. The age, depressed ejection fraction, masculine sex and the times on aortic clamp and cardiac by-pass extended they associated with a high prediction of mortality.
Conclusions: The type of surgery and of surgical intervention they can be variables that are not correlated to mortality. The 65 years older, masculine, the ejection fraction of the left ventricle depressed, and the times on aortic clamp and cardiac by-pass extended they can predict a fatal outcome.
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