2019, Number 3
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2019; 30 (3)
Role of the external bypass in the treatment of obesity
Hernández RJ
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Introduction: Conservative management in the treatment of obesity has a limited efficiency, which has made possible the development and use of other methods such as bariatric surgery and endoluminal procedures for the treatment of this condition. In this regard, it has been recently approved for its use a method that is known as external bypass, to which we must pay attention as a possible option in the treatment of obesity.
Objective: To describe the role of the external bypass in the treatment of obesity through some questions and answers.
Methods: It was used Google Scholar as searcher of scientific information. The keywords used were: obesity, external bypass, weight loss, treatment. There were assessed review and research articles from different databases and web pages, which in general had 10 years or less of being published in Spanish, Portuguese or English languages. This allowed the study of 36 articles from which 23 were referenced due to their scientific quality.
Conclusions: The external bypass should play a prominent role in the treatment of obesity, for being a simple, effective and with a very low complications rate procedure that does not change or alter the gastrointestinal anatomy of the patient, as in the case of bariatric surgery. It has as inconvenience the discomfort of living with an abdominal probe and the need to empty it several times a day.
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