2019, Number 3
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2019; 30 (3)
Toxic multinodular goiter due to poisoning by carbon monoxide
Rodríguez IA
Language: Spanish
References: 10
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53 years old male patient with a history of allergy; he works as a craft worker (producing serigraphs) very exposed to chemicals, which when subjected to high temperatures emit large amount of steam. The patient attends to the consultation referring that from approximately 2 months before he has been presenting weakness with muscle cramps, palpitations, flushing of the face and, increase in the size of the thyroid glands. It is diagnosed by the high hormonal figures a toxic multinodular goiter. Thyroid ultrasound is performed that shows multinodular goiter; it is also conducted a biopsy by fine-needle aspiration resulting in atypia of uncertain significance, and follicular lesion of the thyroid. The patient was separated from his workplace and there were reversed the symptoms after 15 days of treatment. Frequently appear diseases associated to poisonings caused by chemicals and medicines, where the presence of hyperthyroidism is not usual. It requires a comprehensive anamnesis and complementary tests that are specific for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
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