2019, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular 2019; 20 (3)
Minimum lipid profile for the diagnostic of the peripheral vascular disease's risk
Álvarez PM, Triana MME, Rodríguez VLE, Torres RX
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 559.45 Kb.
Introduction: The minimum lipid profile is related to atherosclerotic vascular disease, but it is not known what is the most common type in adults and the kind of risk it represent for peripheral vascular disease of the lower limbs.
Objective: To determine if the minimum lipid profile is used to diagnose the risk of peripheral vascular disease of the lower limbs.
Methods: It was carried out a study with 533 blood sample of adults from different municipalities in Havana province. Concentrations of total cholesterol and triglycerides were quantified. Average and standard deviation were calculated. Hyperlipidemia was diagnosed and classified, the risk of peripheral vascular disease of the lower limbs and the association of the latter with hyperlipidemia were identified. The level of reliability used was of 95% (α = 0.05).
Results: The most common minimum lipid profiles were: mild hypercholesterolemia (46%) and hypertriglyceridemia (22.6%). 53.8% presented a risk of peripheral vascular disease of the lower limbs between potential (24.8%) and high (29%). There was a relation between the hyperlipidemia and the presence of peripheral vascular diseases of the lower limbs (Chi square= 120.4; p = 0.00000). It was detected that 50% of the people required a hypolipidemic treatment.
Conclusion: The minimum lipid profile is used to diagnose the risk's type of peripheral vascular disease of the lower limbs, observing a strong relation of the latter with the presence of hyperlipidemia.
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