2017, Number 11
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CuidArte 2017; 6 (11)
Theorization and diagnosis in nursing: the evolution of nursing thought
Alvarado RT, Godínez RMÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 53-61
PDF size: 201.44 Kb.
The nursing discipline is currently undergoing
significant changes. However, it is crucial for nurses
to ask themselves whether this transformation is
real. Are they really moving toward the discipline’s
stated objectives, or are they in a self-imposed pause
as they are trying to assimilate their capacities
and wondering who they are and where they are
going? This dilemma places nursing at the cusp
of transcending its current limits. It is a dynamic
and complex situation—a process of disciplinary
transition, revalidation, and transformation that
goes hand in hand with the current reorientation of
scientific research toward the transcendence of care.
To this aim, nursing faces a double task: not only to
produce scientific literature, but also to consume it.
The production and amassing of nursing theories
and articles are of no use unless they lead nurses
to a practical outcome in which they consume
the literature that they produce. Failing this, the
discipline faces both the flight of knowledge and
a backlog in the updating of said knowledge. The
theory of knowledge in the field of care has evolved
in such a way that has irreversibly revolutionized
the discipline of nursing in terms of both training
and practice. Therefore, it has become essential
for nurses to utilize all resources at their disposal,
to appreciate contemporary efforts to produce
scientific nursing research, and to recognize that
all research—regardless of its paradigm—provides
knowledge and strengthens the development of
nursing as a discipline and as a science.
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