2019, Number S1
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Cuba y Salud 2019; 14 (S1)
Open educational resource to enrich knowledge of the history of Medicine
Cid EAM, López VJM, Ríos HNP, Urquiaga RR, Garcés SJR
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 78-81
PDF size: 349.49 Kb.
Information and Communication Technologies have impacted
all areas of educational activity to establish new ways of teaching
and learning. The Learning Teaching Process aims to contribute to
the student’s training through the fulfillment of the instructional
and educational objectives which, in the medical career, in the
graduate’s profile, appears as the need for the formation of values for that are transmitted in his medical activity and as a future
teacher, based on ethical medical knowledge and the history of our
country and the profession. In contradiction with the proposal in the
graduate model, there is a deficit in the teaching of the history of
Medicine, as there is no specific subject or educational resource that
includes it, which transcends its comprehensive medical training;
Therefore, it was determined to carry out the design of an open
educational resource, which contributes to enrich the knowledge
of the history of Medicine and its most relevant personalities, from
the Pathological Anatomy course. With this resource an integral
education will be favored, which contributes to a general culture
necessary for the development of the professional future, the
incorporation of ethical values of the profession in students will be
stimulated through the life stories of their predecessors and the
resource It could be applied in other disciplines.
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