2019, Number S1
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Cuba y Salud 2019; 14 (S1)
Behavior of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents with malnutrition for excess. Camaguey municipality
Rodríguez NIL, Fuentes SIL, Tamayo CR, García MMT
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 6-9
PDF size: 388.28 Kb.
An observational analytic cross study was carried out with
the objective to analyze the behavior of metabolic syndrome in
children and adolescents with malnutrition for excess of Camaguey
municipality, as well as to determ the prevalence of it and the
possible relation of the central adiposity and dislipidemies, arterial
hypertension and the insulin resistance, among other variables,
the universe was conformed by 77 children from 3 to 17 years
age of Camaguey municipality selected according to inclusion and exclusion criterions for this investigation. To the children the
following variables were determined: circumference of the waistline
and the coxa, the systolic and diastolic arterial tension, as well as
blood levels of glucose, triglycerides, insulin and fatty. The statistics
relationship between anthropometric measures and biochemistry
parameters established were concerned. The results constitute a
contribution to value the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in early
ages. Also it is useful to validate de Cuban classification proposal
of this entity, its sensibility and particularization in the diagnosis
of insulin resistance, the one allows to define future strategies
of obesity and sedentary prevention in children population of
Camaguey municipality.
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