2019, Number 3
The visit to the family as an education at work modality in the Dentistry career
Language: Spanish
References: 5
Page: 70-73
PDF size: 254.71 Kb.
Objective: to base the necessity to include methodological orientations on the visit to the family, in the subject Integral Attention to the Family II.Methods: it was carried out a pedagogical investigation in the Dentistry career of the Basic and Preclinical Sciences Institute “Victoria de Girón”, by means of the revision of the program and orientations of the subject; later on by means of questionnaires and interviews to professors of experience opinions were looked for that endorsed the necessity of inclusion of this type of orientations for the visits to the family, with promotion ends and prevention of stomatological illnesses, and it was corroborated with consultation to specialists.
Results: it was reaffirmed that it´s necessary the existence of methodological orientations that guide how to develop the visit to the family, essential component of the patient attention, and modality of the education at work.
Conclusions: it´s necessary the inclusion of methodological orientations on the visit to the family like an education at work modality in the subject Integral Attention to the Family II. It concludes the description of different steps to continue in the realization from a good visit to the families, with educational ends.
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