2019, Number 3
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Cuba y Salud 2019; 14 (3)
Suggestions for the oral report of a scientific investigation
Pérez EL, Valdés RY, Guanche HM
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 38-42
PDF size: 290.64 Kb.
Objective: to formulate practical suggestions for the preparation
of the oral report of a scientific investigation, which allows the
unification of criteria of the research professors for the socialization
of the results of their research, in a logical way, with an appropriate
scientific language, in the Latin American School of Medicine?
Materials and methods: a longitudinal descriptive study was
carried out, based on the analysis of the results of the presentations
and the defenses of research projects, predefensas, and doctoral
defenses, the expositions in the workshops and the events in the
School, as well as a detailed literature review and conceptual
framework. Theoretical methods such as historical-logical were
used. The analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction, which
allowed the theoretical foundations and empirical bases of the
study to be shaped.
Results: an objective evaluation of the internal and external
factors that are relevant in the process of communicating orally the
final report of a scientific investigation was achieved, which allowed
the formulation of practical suggestions.
Conclusions: a more comprehensive vision was obtained for
the oral presentation of the final reports of scientific research,
the strengths and weaknesses of the researchers were identified,
which served as a starting point for the formulation of practical
suggestions, with a view to improve scientific dissemination,
based on oral communication of research reports, as well as a
better understanding of scientific work based on its links in the
educational teaching process.
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