2019, Number 2
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Cuba y Salud 2019; 14 (2)
Cardiovascular complications and their risk factors in adult patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Souchay DL, Sotolongo LD, Álvarez GY, Castillo DMC
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 3-10
PDF size: 834.41 Kb.
Objective: to describe the cardiovascular complications and their
main determining factors in adult patients with chronic kidney
disease in the office 10, Polyclinic “Adrián Sansaricq” of Artemis,
from October 2016 to April 2018.
Materials and Methods: a descriptive, longitudinal prospective
study was conducted. The universe was composed of 856 people.
The sample was represented by 214 patients. The variables used
were the classification of Chronic Kidney Disease, basic cause, age,
sex, cardiovascular risk factors, complications, comorbidities and
causes of death. The information was obtained from the individual
medical records.
Results: Chronic Kidney Disease predominated in women and
older adults between 60-69 years. The G3a stage prevailed in
the classification of said disease. The main basic causes were
hypertensive and diabetic nephropathy, followed by urinary
obstruction. There was a high exposure to cardiovascular risk
factors with a higher percentage of smokers and the presence
of phosphocalcic disorders, mostly in older adults. Heart
Failure, arrhythmias and anemia predominated as associated
comorbidities. 2.8% of the cases investigated, predominantly, due
to cardiovascular causes and malignancies.
Conclusions: Chronic Renal Disease was diagnosed in a high
percentage of people, mainly associated with Arterial Hypertension,
diabetes Mellitus and the elderly.
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