2020, Number 5
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Salud Mental 2020; 43 (5)
The role of Community Mental Health in a new architecture of World psychiatry and Global Mental Health
Alarcón-Guzmán RD, Castillo-Martell H
Language: English
References: 42
Page: 235-240
PDF size: 178.37 Kb.
Introduction. The influx of new knowledge and scientific contributions into contemporary world psychiatry
has counted on a vigorous dissemination through technology-inspired means. This process has led to the
realities of Global Mental Health (GMH) inspired by “a new epistemology” of mostly positivistic roots.
To explore the basis of these realities and the resulting homogenization attempts of psychiatry as a
medical, clinical, and research discipline.
Discussion and conclusion. The need for “a new architecture” of
contemporary psychiatry is discussed as a reflection of a correct epistemological exercise and a renewed pact
between professionals and communities, materialized in and enriched by the re-emerging Community Mental
Health (CMH) movement. The essential bases of the movement are presented, and its mutually collaborative,
multidisciplinary, integrated, and realistic nature, as reflected in national efforts like Peru’s in Latin America,
is described.
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