2019, Number 6
Assessment of health actions, for the control of hypertension in the elderly. 'René Vallejo Ortiz'. January 2017-january 2018
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1368-1379
PDF size: 312.88 Kb.
Old age is not a disease; is a multifactorial process that is defined as the progressive loss of functions. This research was carried out with the aim of promoting health actions in older adults with high blood pressure, at the Polyclinic René Vallejo Ortíz de Bayamo, from January 2017 to January 2018. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted. Statistics from the senior program health area, family sheets, and medical records were analyzed. The data obtained were processed in a computerized manner and descriptive, inferential statistics and proportion determination were used to corroborate statistical hypotheses. The population of older males, aged 75 to 89, with high blood pressure dominated. Flu vaccination only reached 96.7%, even if 100% of the vaccine is available. Significant increase in the number of frail elders was demonstrated, with technical assistance based on mirrors, dentures, walkers, wheelchairs, there is little incorporation of them into the circles of grandparents.REFERENCES
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