2019, Number 6
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Medisur 2019; 17 (6)
Clinical-epidemiological evolution of patients diagnosed with dengue. January-June 2017
García GC, Rodríguez MO, Fernández GCT, Rodríguez RMO
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 790-796
PDF size: 232.16 Kb.
Foundation: The study of dengue as a clinical and epidemiological entity is becoming increasingly important given the tendency to increase the number of cases and the rate of reported complications presented by patients suffering from it.
Objective: to characterize the clinical-epidemiological evolution of patients diagnosed with dengue.
Methods: a retrospective descriptive study of a series of cases was carried out at the General Hospital of Cienfuegos, in the period January-June 2017. All patients with a confirmed diagnosis of dengue by IgM (N = 83) were included.
Results: the average age was 42 years. The most represented age group was 40-49 years (28.9%). Patients with white skin color (74.7%), and female sex (59.0%) predominated. The municipality with the most cases was Cienfuegos. Fever was the main reason for consultation (96.4%), followed by headache (78.3%) and retroocular pain (64.4%). 36.1% of the cases presented an alarm sign. The most frequent paraclinical finding was lymphocyte predominance (95.2%). No ultrasonographic abnormalities were reported.
Conclusion: all the patients studied presented a favorable evolution. Less than half of them presented some warning sign, and none developed any of the so-called serious forms of the disease.
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