2020, Number 02
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MediSan 2020; 24 (02)
Educational Multimedia for the learning of Physical Education subject in medical sciences
Guzmán OR, Cabrera JPM, Méndez MD, Cabrera GJM, Chávez MRA
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 342-350
PDF size: 683.79 Kb.
It was decided to elaborate an educational and didactics multimedia for the learning and correct self-preparation in the Physical Education subject, as solution to the inadequacies detected in the students of first and second years of the medicine career. It was designed with the Mediator 9.0 tool and it was structured in modules that link texts and images, which motivates the learning and speeds up the study of the subject contents. Finally they managed to get an educational multimedia that integrates the contents of the subject in a single didactic material, very easy to use in the individual work, which improves the interest and motivation of the students, at the same time that it standardizes and interrelates established matters in the schedule with other subjects characteristic of the medicine.
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