2020, Number 02
Pharmacopuncture in patients with temporomandibular joint painful dysfunction
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 198-210
PDF size: 904.54 Kb.
Introduction: The temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome constitutes an important health problem that affects more than 50 % of the world population.Objective: To describe the therapeutic clinical course of patients with temporomandibular affections treated with pharmacopuncture.
Methods: A descriptive study of 60 patients with temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome in acute phase was carried out, they were assisted in the Faustino Pérez Clinical Surgical Hospital from Matanzas, from January to December, 2018. A solution composed by lidocaine, B12 vitamin and betamethasone was administered in certain acupunctural points. Also, the pain verbal scale was used.
Results: It was found that the 60 years and over age group, as well as the female sex were those most affected. Of the factors associated to this syndrome stress prevailed in 100 % of patients; 63.3 % presented moderate pain and 53.3 % were totally relieved.
Conclusions: Pharmacopuncture relieved the pain associated with the temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome in most of those affected, in the first 3 treatment sessions.
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