2020, Number 01
Effectiveness of the depleting suction in patients with inflammatory processes of the major salivary glands
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 76-87
PDF size: 1094.74 Kb.
Introduction: The acute and chronic inflammations can affect the major salivary glands.Objective: To evaluate the clinical course of patients with inflammatory processes of the major salivary glands treated with depleting suction.
Methods: A descriptive study of 49 patients with inflammatory processes of the mayor salivary glands was carried out, they were assisted in the Maxillofacial Surgery service of Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from September, 2012 to June, 2014. The surgical aspiration was used to suck the tubes of the affected salivary glands. Some variables were studied, such as age, sex, affected salivary gland, causal agent, symptomatology, treatment sessions and ultrasonographic course.
Results: There was a prevalence of the 65 and over age group (36.7 %) and the female sex (59.2 %). Lithiasis was the causal factor of more incidence and the parotid gland the most affected one. Patients had a favorable clinical course after the second suction, which demonstrated the existence of favorable ultrasonographic changes.
Conclusions: Depleting suction is a simple and innocuous procedure that avoids operation.
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