2020, Number 01
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MediSan 2020; 24 (01)
Effectiveness of the acupunctural surgical analgesia in patients operated for cataract
Vistel MD, Solano PM, González ME, Maldonado CM
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 16-28
PDF size: 1371.60 Kb.
Introduction: The cataract constitutes one of the main causes of blindness worldwide. It is more frequent in the elderly and the election treatment is the surgical one.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the acupunctural analgesia in patients operated for cataract.
Methods: A study of therapeutic intervention was carried out in 136 patients older than 40 years with diagnosis of cataract, operated in the Ophthalmology Service of Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba in the period 2016-2018. The sample was divided at random in 2 groups (study and control), with 68 members each one.
Results: The 70 years and over patients of the female sex prevailed. The hemodynamic variables didn't suffer significant modifications with the therapeutical procedure.
Conclusions: The acupunctural surgical analgesia was more effective than the conventional one, because a higher sedation was achieved in almost all the patients during the operation, as well as higher permanency of its effect during the postoperatory period; also, there was smaller number of patients affected with edema and hemorrhages.
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