2020, Number 1
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Invest Medicoquir 2020; 12 (1)
Practical clinical nursing guide focused on the safety of the person during cardiopulmonary bypass
Miguel VY, Alvarez PA, Aguirre RDA, De Zayas GJ
Language: Spanish
References: 43
PDF size: 130.95 Kb.
In the field of perfusionspecial attention has been devoted toa culture of accident prevention; thanks to this, a large number of devices have been developed that make extracorporeal circulation a safer process today. The purpose of this work is to expose essential elements for the construction of practical nursing guides focused on safety during cardiopulmonary bypass, based on the best scientific evidence, which constitute a tool for the training of the perfusionist nurse in daily practice; also, that they serve as support in the event of adverse events during the cardiopulmonary bypass process. The development of practical nursing guides represents an unquestionable advance in the practice of nursing, by moving towards new fields of application. The benefits of the guidelines based on the best scientific evidence will impact not only the safety and quality of care, but also the satisfaction of the individual and the nursing staff in the cardiovascular surgery services; they will contribute to the achievement of a more humanized, competent and efficient health system that responds to the needs of both the discipline and the community.
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