2020, Number 3
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Rev CONAMED 2020; 25 (3)
Key concepts and codes for physicians without bioethical training: bibliographic review
Ordóñez AY, Gutiérrez HRF, Gómez GC, Cisneros GMS, González VDR
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 129-145
PDF size: 211.90 Kb.
The systematic and scientific study of human behavior in the light of life sciences and health, analyzed through values and ethical principles is what we call Bioethics. Knowing and doing bioethics improves the medical practice. The goal of the present work is to identify the bioethical codes related to medicine, from ethics and legality, for the full exercise of the medical profession today in México.
Materials and methods: With the purpose of gathering in a clear and organized way the information regarding this subject, a biographical search was made through different information sources, search engines, and databases like, Google Scholar, Medline, PubMed, and SciELO. Subject reviews, research articles, and book chapters were included; afterward a content analysis and literature selection were made by bioethics experts, flowed by the creation of a guide document meant for health professionals. This guide will allow to know and attend in a timely manner the aspects related to bioethics in the medical care.
Conclusion: The key concepts and codes related to the full exercise of medicine in medical care from a bioethical perspective are: Declaration of Geneva, International Code of Medical Ethics, Code of Conduct of Health Secretary, Bioethics Code for Health Professionals, General Law of Health, Official Mexican Norms and the General Recommendations to Improve Medical Practice by CONAMED.
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