2020, Number 1
Presence of academic stress in in third year Medicine students at 'Aleida Fernández Chardiet' Surgical Clinical Teaching Hospital
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 68-77
PDF size: 909.79 Kb.
Introduction: Stress is a defense mechanism, natural and necessary response for survival. A stressed student will have poor academic performance, will not be trained with the necessary medical knowledge, and will not be able to develop medical skills in an adequate way in the future.Objective: To characterize the academic stress and the most frequent coping styles in students of the third year of the Medicine career, with low academic performance, at Aleida Fernández Chardiet Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital in Güines.
Method: A non-experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out to characterize academic stress and the most frequent coping styles in third year medical students at Aleida Fernández Chardiet hospital; from a universe of 99 students, a sample of 50 students who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria was selected. The Academic Stress Inventory, the Likert scale, and a survey were applied to evaluate ways of coping. The data were subjected to a descriptive statistical analysis.
Results: The vast majority of the students were moderately vulnerable to stress, as the main stressor, academic overload, and because of that, most of them mobilized their cognitive and behavioral resources more than the affective ones when making the decision.
Conclusions: Medical students are vulnerable to stress, the vital event generating the greatest academic stress is academic overload and the coping style focused on solving the problem. To help minimize academic stress, lessons must be dynamic, motivating and problem methods and mnemonic resources must be used.
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