2020, Number 31
Programa de desarrollo del Complejo Científico Ortopédico Internacional
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 385.80 Kb.
Introduction: The International Orthopedic Scientific Complex ¨Frank País Garcia¨ is the country's Reference Center in Orthopedics and Traumatology and Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. At the indication of the President of the Republic of Cuba, the Center's technical scientific development plan was prepared, for which conditions have been created as an institution of the tertiary level of health. A technical and assistance scientific level has been reached, which has allowed us to conceive a development program until 2030.Objective: To present a Development Program in the short, medium and long term that allows perfecting work styles and methods in the areas of care medical, teaching, research, innovation, production and marketing, which guarantees the sustainability of the status of Reference Center.
Methods: The action research method was applied in five stages: diagnosis, planning, design, implementation and verification. Document content analysis, focus group techniques, expert criteria, as well as descriptive statistics techniques and tools were performed.
Results: Learning needs were identified by areas up to the lines of development.
Conclusions: Actions were planned to improve work styles and methods, as fundamental support for the execution of the strategies, which will allow the improvement in the areas of medical care, teaching, research and innovation, which guarantees the sustainability of the condition of Reference Center in the specialty of Orthopedics, traumatology, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation.
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Peña Marrero L, López Díaz H, Remón Dávila XJ, Albisu Santana E, Cañizares Betancourt D, Pereda Cardoso O, et al. Transposición del dorsal ancho y del redondo mayor en el tratamiento de la parálisis braquial obstétrica. Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol. 2010 [acceso 07/10/2019];24(1). Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script= sci_arttext&pid=S0864-215X2010000100001&lng=es
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Cárdenas Centeno OM, Rey Valdivia N, Marrero Riverón LO. Aplicación de la ortesis dinámica de contención cefálica en la enfermedad de Legg-Calvé-Perthes. Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol. 2001 [acceso 15/10/2019];15(1-2). Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-215X2001000100002&lng=es
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Marrero Riverón LO, Álvarez Cambras R, Cárdenas Centeno OM de, Roché Egües HE, Martínez González M. Gammagrafía ósea con pinhole en la enfermedad de Legg-Calvè-Perthes. Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol. 1999 [acceso 07/10/2019];13(1-2). Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-215X1999000100005&lng=es
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León Valladares D, Villanueva Cagigas E, Anillo Badía R, Roche Egües HE. El pie del taekwondista: exploración ecográfica a taekwondistas de la preselección nacional cubana. Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol. 2009 [acceso 07/10/2019];23(2). Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-215X2009000200001&lng=es
Hernández Hernández BA, González Romero LA, Carrero Texidor Y, Cepero Noriega FL. Evaluación neurofisiológica de la mielopatía espondilótica cervical. Aspectos preliminares. Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol. 2010 [acceso 07/10/2019];24(2). Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-215X2010000200001&lng=es
Rodríguez Vázquez MI, Marrero Riverón LO, Álvarez Cambras R, Rondón García OV. Utilidad de la ecografía y la gammagrafía ósea en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de la fractura de estrés. Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol. 2004 [acceso 20/10/2019];18(2). Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-215X2004000200010&lng=es
Álvarez Cambras R, Jacobo Núñez ME, Marrero Riverón LO, Castro Soto del Valle A. Lesiones de partes blandas en atletas de alto rendimiento. Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol. 2004 [acceso 11/11/2019];18(2). Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php? script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-215X2004000200011&lng=es