2020, Number 31
The National Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery, a complex system linked to quality management
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 268.86 Kb.
Introduction: Quality in health institutions is achieved through the interrelation of all their processes and the interaction of these processes with each other and with the environment, with the aim of providing satisfaction to the patient and all interested parties.Objetive: To characterize the National Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery as a complex system linked to the quality management.
Method: Historical logical methods and document analysis were used for the analysis from the theory of complex systems in health institutions establishing a link with the quality management system, its behavior, its interrelation and the predates that arise as a result of those interactions between them and with the environment.
Result: The interaction of the key processes of the National Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery (medical assistance-research and postgraduate training) has as a result new product: graduated professionals, introduction of technologies based on research and patient safety.
Conclusions: The National Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery is a complex system linked to quality management, which allows the implementation of the ISO 9001: 2015 standards, the interrelation of all its processes in a way that guarantees the satisfaction of patients and other interested parties, as well as achieving external recognition of the quality of health care provided in the institution.
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