2020, Number 31
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INFODIR 2020; 16 (31)
Proposal of actions to improve the process of transferring the critical cardiac newborn
Céspedes AM, Santana EMC
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 610.71 Kb.
Introduction: The "William Soler" Pediatric Cardiocenter is the reference center for cardiopediatric care in Cuba. Among its missions is the coordination of the cardio-pediatric network in the country, which is a complex process of guarantee to the continuous improvement of the quality of life of a vulnerable population that requires timely diagnosis, medical, surgical, interventionist and rehabilitation treatment, throughout the life cycle. The teamwork with intersectorial participation in function of this activity managed to reduce infant mortality due to congenital heart disease in the country. Despite the achievements, organizational weaknesses are recognized in the transfer process of newborns with critical heart disease.
Objective: Identify the necessary actions to improve the process of transfer of critical newborn heart disease.
Methods: We carried out a research in health systems and services that included a documentary review, a working group was formed that, through brainstorming, identified weaknesses in the care of critical cardiac neonates for their transfer, from which the Cause Effect and Pareto diagrams, in addition to the DAFO Matrix.
Results: The critical path of the transfer of critical newborn heart disease in the current Cuban context was established, the existing weaknesses were evidenced.
Conclusions: The identification of the problems related to the process of transfer of critical newborn heart disease allowed the elaboration of actions for modification.
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